Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dallin- every day, after school

This post is all about what happens when I get home from school

when I'm done speeding back from school on my bike, I walk inside my house, and eat one of the treats that I, or my mom  sometimes make.

If there aren't any of these, I just grab one of the other snacks we have

Then we go on the swings in our backyard while we eat them.

I finish my home work (usually I
do all homework except for reading, which I like to do in the evening.

My mom always makes an amazing dinner, and the whole family gang  is able to be gathered up as we eat it.

I have a goal of reading 60 pages a night (or until the end of the book)
and I spend until usually 10:00 to complete it.

finally, I fall asleep after an exhausting day.

(if this was boring, please tell me in comments, because I just realized that there is a very large chance it was.)


  1. This was not boring, Dallin. I love to hear about your life. In fact, I can't get enough of it.

  2. Love it! This pictures are the cherry on top :)
