Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CELL CITY! -Dallin

So in science recently, we got this assignment for class about comparing the different parts of the cell to a city. We all made a presentation showing this relationship. I decided to work on the plant cell and got going. First, I made a 3-D presentation on Minecraft. Then I video- taped it with an awesome video editor/ screen video capturer called Ezvid. Enjoy!

You can notice that it is a plant cell because of the organelles it has like the chloroplasts and the cell wall. I also forgot to mention in the video the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is like the grass around me as I walked throughout the city, because the cytoplasm in the cell is the region between the nucleus and the cell wall it's basically the stuff that all the organelles are floating in, just like how everything in the city was originally built on dirt and grass.  I hope you enjoyed!

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