During scout camp, (about that later) I got the Geocaching merit badge, and now I'm hooked. For those who don't know what Geocaching is, it's an international treasure hunting game anyone can do with a smartphone or GPS. You go on the Geocaching website and type down your zip code, and it shows the location, coordinates, and description of hundreds of caches nearby. The GPS only takes you to a 5-50 ft. destination, so you have to find the cache yourself.
These things are anywhere and everywhere, making Geocaching a great thing to do on any vacation.
Oh yeah, and anyone can set up a Geocache; you can even buy or make fancy ones that are camouflaged with their environment!
It's funny how many people don't know about this game, even though it's right under their noses.
Although most of the fun of this game is adventuring and finding, once you find a cache, there is a logbook and some trinkets; you can take a trinket and put in one of equal or greater value. Then write your name, the date, what you took, and what you put back in.
Now get up, turn off the computer, and start treasure hunting!